The Dating Game 1968 on YouTube: A Look Back at Dating in the Past


Dating has come a long way since the 1960s. Back then, the world was a different place, and dating was a different game. In 1968, a television show called The Dating Game premiered, offering a new way for singles to meet and potentially find love. Today, we can look back at this show on YouTube and see how dating has evolved over the years. But what can we learn from the past about dating today?

The Dating Game

The Dating Game was a popular television show that aired from the 1960s to the 1980s. The premise was simple: a single person would choose from three potential dates based solely on their answers to a series of questions. The show was a hit, and it paved the way for other dating shows like The Bachelor and Love Island.

Dating Then and Now

Dating in the 1960s was very different from dating today. For one, there was no internet, so people had to meet in person or through friends. The Dating Game offered a new way to meet people, but it was still limited to those who could appear on the show. Today, we have a plethora of dating apps and websites that allow us to meet people from all over the world.
Another difference is the way we communicate. In the past, people had to rely on phone calls and letters to stay in touch. Today, we have instant messaging, video calls, and social media to keep us connected.

What We Can Learn from the Past

While dating has changed over the years, there are still some lessons we can learn from the past. One is the importance of communication. The Dating Game was all about asking questions and getting to know someone, and that's still the key to a successful relationship today.
Another lesson is the importance of being yourself. On The Dating Game, contestants had to be themselves to win over the single person, and the same is true today. Being authentic and genuine is attractive, and it's the best way to find someone who likes you for who you are.


The Dating Game 1968 on YouTube is a fascinating look back at dating in the past. While dating has changed over the years, there are still some lessons we can learn from the past. By being authentic, communicating well, and using the tools available to us, we can find love in the modern world.
